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Bali United Nations Conference Is Coming to a Close -- Add Your Voice...

Posted by Will on December 12th, 2007

ACT NOW Aerial Photo in Bali Most of our crew is still here at the UN climate talks in Bali -- trying to carry the message that the US climate movement -- Step It Up, Power Shift, and countless more -- want to see bold, positive action before countries disperse tomorrow.  To convey that message, there have already been a series of energized events and actions taking place inside and surrounding the conference here in Bali.

Every day of the conference there have been youth actions directly engaging conference negotiators inside the UN compound.  And the youth, along with CAN International and Avaaz.org, have helped orchestrate the fossil awards of the day -- a dynamic presentation of what countries are doing the worst acts each day.

Furthermore, on Saturday, December 8th, local Balinese NGOs helped pull together a few thousand people taking to the streets as part of the international day of action on climate change.  Then on Sunday our crew helped aerial artist John Quigley gather a crowd to form a giant Earth being washed away, and the text ACT NOW (above).

And with just 1 day left of the UN conference the urgent call to ACT NOW is that much more relevant.  The countries assembled still have a long ways to go to establish a strong "Bali Roadmap" (as it's referred to here) for the next phase of international agreements to address climate change (to replace Kyoto).  So we need your help to send the message that Americans support bold action, despite the disruptive role our government is playing...

Click here to sign a petition (and enter your postcode as 1sky in order to signify your connection to Step It Up and the 1sky campaign -- www.1sky.org -- if you so choose). 

Our team will be joining numerous groups from around the world to deliver the names on numerous petitions to the international delegates on their final day here.  Please sign today.

You can also click here to sign Al Gore's petition in support of his participation here in Bali.  (And once we've all signed these petitions, let's get back to action organizing).

Posted in Our Blog


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