Step It Up In the Press
- Nov 2: USA Today promotes Step It Up and Powershift

- Oct 22: Amy Goodman interviews Bill McKibben about the California wildfires and their connection to global warming...and how on November 3, we want our leaders to Step It Up and prevent further environmental devastation.
- Oct 12: Response to Thomas Friedman - Step It Up national co-coordinator Will Bates responds to the assertion that the young generation is "Quiet."

- Mar 14: Renewing
a Call to Act Against Climate Change - The New York Times reporter
Felicity Barringer spells out the details the Step It Up campaign. She
speaks to Bill McKibben and our crew about the history of the idea, the amazing
actions popping up across the country, and Step It Up organizer Jamie Henn's
need to finish his thesis so he can work more on the campaign...
- Apr 9: The Greening of America's Campuses - Businessweek's Heather Green writes about the growing student movement around global warming and Step It Up's role in bringing many voices together to call for change.
- Mar 19: Early
Critic Of Warming Steps Up Activist Role - The Boston Globe's John
Donnelly reports on Bill's step up to Step It Up. Read about the push
into the campaign, and hear Bill's wife Sue Halpern's insights into the
Other Articles About Step It Up 2007 - Newest Articles Listed First
- Apr 13: Hundreds of Climate Rallies Planned - A story by the AP, picked up in dozens of news outlets around the US and world, including the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Reuters, Newsday, The Guardian, Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, and the International Herald-Tribune.
- Apr 13: Step It Up: Thousands Gather This Weekend for Largest-Ever Rally Against Global Warming - Democracy Now! host Amy Goodman interviews Bill McKibben about Step It Up. Listen or read their conversation surrounding the national day of action.
- Apr 13: Rallies Encourage U.S. to Cut Carbon Emissions - NPR's Talk of the Nation speaks with Bill McKibben about Step It Up and the movement for the Earth's climate. Listen in.
- Apr 13: Step It Up for the Planet - The Berkshire Eagle, MA
- Apr 13: Climate Change Central Focus of Saturday Event - Almeda Times-Star, Oakland Tribune, Inside Bay Area, CA
- Apr 13: Step It Up - The Burlington Free Press, VT
- Apr 12: Rallies Aim to Step Up Focus on Climate Change - Seattle Post-Intelligencer, WA
- Apr 12: Step It Up: Warming Up to Combating Warming - Salt Lake Tribune, UT
- Apr 11: Locals Look to "Step It Up" - Business Gazette, MD
- Apr 11: Citizens Must Step Up to Stop Global Warming - Ted Glick contributes an op-ed to New Jersey's Star Ledger. Read about his take on Step It Up and another imporant effort to march for climate action in Jersey.
- Apr 10: Join 'Step It Up 2007' in Warrenton on April 14 - Fauquier Times-Democrat, VA
- Apr 10: Rally for a Cool Planet - Sharon Kant-Rauch of the Tallahassee Democrat writes about Tallahassee's Step It Up Action, "A Rising Tide Floods Us All... Let's Be Lifesavers." Read the stories of three young people who have joined the action and their reasons for getting involved in Step It Up.
- Apr 9: Step It Up - The Nation's blog features Peter Rothberg as he speaks about Step It Up on April 14. See also his link to Step It Up's YouTube video featuring our own May Boeve and Phil Aroneanu.
- Apr 5: Step Up and Demand Action on Climate Change - Read Franz Ingelfinger's beautiful article in the Boston Globe on why he is taking action on April 14. Franz writes from Ipswitch, MA; his event will be at Crane Beach.
- Apr 5: Richardson Drinks Up Crowd Reaction at Stonyfield - Terry Date of the Eagle Tribute covers the scoop on presidential hopeful Bill Richardson as he stops at Stonyfield Farms in New Hampshire. Check out Stonyfield worker Kally Abrams as she questions Governor Richardson's plans for the 14th.
- Apr 5: City of Tonawanda: Global Warming Rally Set for Niawanda - Diane Eshelman, soon to be grandmother, is featured by Dan Miner in the Tonawanda News. Read about her Step It Up rally and her dream that her grandkids can live in a safe climate.
- Apr 4: Al Gore and the 'Step It Up 2007' Campaign - Jeff Musall writes an encouraging editorial in Associated Content linking Step It Up to the email blast that Al Gore just sent out asking people to get involved.
- Apr 4: Celebrate, Protect Our Home - An article in the Northwest Herald by Jacki Golike details the McHenry County, IL action for Step It Up. Check out what the McHenry County Defenders and the Lou Marchi Total Recycling Institute at MCC are doing.
- Apr 2: Rally 'Steps It Up' in a Huge Way - Noelle Short writes in the Adirondack Daily Enterprise about the incredible actions around Step It Up in the Adirondack region. Read about all the details as well as Bill McKibben's personal connection to the area.
- Mar 29: Climate Network Takes on Hot Issue - Stacey Eidson of the Bradenton Herald interviews Step It Up organizers June Cussen and Lea Hall about their action on Siesta Key beach in Sarasota, FL. Read about the creative action that the group is planning to call attention to the potential sea level rise associated with climate change.
- Mar 28: A Story for the Grandchildren - Bruce Hagen writes about the importance of Step It Up for future generations in the Petaluma Argus Courier. He is also involved in the local Petaluma, CA action, detailed in the article.
- Mar 27: Area Activists to Rally Against Global Warming - Art Plewka, a retired Montague, MI schoolteacher, explains the Step It Up rally he is organizing on the causeway over the White River. He is interviewed by Jeff Alexander of the Muskegon Chronicle.
- Mar 25: Global Warming Energizes
Students - Sara Foss of the Daily Gazette writes about Union College
getting involved with Step It Up. Activists there are using Step It Up as
a spark to galvanize the local movement around climate change.
- Mar 22: Stepping It Up, Against
Global Warming - Women's Media Center's Regina Cornwell reports Step It
Up from the feminist perspective. Read Chicago organizer Jennifer
Pierce's thoughts on the subject alongside others of the Step It Up team.
- Mar 22: Global
Warming Activists Try to Stir Americans for Change- An article in the San Fransisco Chronicle by Robert Collier outlines the
challenge of galvanizing change with Step It Up. Read about some local
bay area actions and Bill's recent visit to speak.
- Mar 21: Reversal of Fortune - Read Bill McKibben's latest piece in Mother Jones Magazine's March/April 2007 issue. The article focuses on Bill's latest book, Deep Economy, but he also writes about the cyber savvy of Step It Up (see page 3).
- Mar 20: Global Warming
Knocking at Your Door - In an editorial in the Boston Globe, Bill
McKibben discusses the connections between local economies, peak oil and the
internet and reflects on Step It Up 2007.
- Mar 11: Rally to
Slow Global Warming - Bill Tregea writes in to the Adrian Daily
Telegram in MI to rally people to City Hall for Step It Up. He outlines
the buildup of scientific knowledge and the popular movement that is now
gathering on April 14.
- Mar 6: Going,
Going, Green - Sports Illustrated's Alexander Wolff reports on how
global warming is changing the nature of the sports we play. Hear Bill
McKibben talk about April 14th and for the climate movement, "It's crunch
- Mar 4: Truckee
Climate Action Network to Take Aim at Global Warming - The North Lake
Tahoe Bonanza talks about the new grassroots organization Truckee Climate
Action Network (TCAN), which is organizing for Step It Up. Also check out
the event nearby on the Grouse Slabs called 'Climb It for Climate.'
- Mar 2: Step
It Up 2007 - Step It Up Organizer Jon Warnow joins Bill McKibben on
Living on Earth Radio for a great radio segment that was broadcast on many NPR
stations across the country. Listen in or read the transcript.
- Mar 1: Global
Warming Author Shares Vision: Cleaner, Simpler World is Sought - James
Bruggers of the Louisville Courier-Journal explores the roots of the Step It Up
campaign. Hear Louisville area Step It Up supporters Allan Dittmer and
John Blair discuss the campaign as well.
- Feb 28: Stepping Up
the Heat on Energy Use - Stephen Hesse of the Japan Times reports on
Step It Up's role as a "nationwide mass protest." He's even
looking into organizing an action in Japan!
- Feb 19: Tomgram: McKibben,
The Real News on Global Warming - Tom Englehardt of TomDispatch posts
Bill McKibben's review of the latest IPCC Report in the New York Review of
Books. Bill lays out the history of the organization, the latest science,
and the move to Step It Up.
- Feb 14: Step It Up 2007 - Hear
Step It Up organizer Phil Aroneanu rep the campaign with our northern
neighbors. He speaks with Lorraine Chrisholm on the Redeye program of
Vancouver Cooperative Radio.
- Feb 9: It's Not Too
Late To Avoid the Worst - Seattle Step It Up organizer Paul Birkeland
writes in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer about the dangers of global warming
and the way forward through Step It Up.
- Feb 8: Step It Up 2007 - Uprising
Radio of Pacifica Radio out of Los Angeles interviews Step It Up organizer May
Boeve. Listen to May take on the hard questions.
- Feb. 7: Naturalist
Rallying Support for CO2 Cuts - Albany, NY's Times Union speaks with
Bill McKibben about his new hope for the Climate Movement as a result of Step
It Up. By Brian Nearing.
- Feb. 7:Vermont’s
“Step It Up 2007” Leads National Climate-Change Action- Vermont-based
Seven Days writer Pamela Polston interviews Bill McKibben and Step It Up
organizer Will Bates about the campaign and our new digs in Burlington, VT.
- Feb. 6:Vt.
Lawmaker Brings Some Green To DC- An article in the Boston Globe
written by John Donnelly featuring US Congressional Representative Peter Welch
and Bill McKibben's take on the role of Congress with the issue of global
- Feb. 5: Activists 'Step
Up' Challenge to Climate Change - The New Standard's Shreema Mehta
speaks to Step It Up organizer Phil Aroneanu about our day of action alongside
others doing amazing work on global warming.
If we act now, we can avoid the worst effects of global warming and create a clean energy economy strong enough to lift people out of poverty... more »
With input from Step It Up organizers across the country, Bill McKibben (and crew) have written a handbook for taking action in your community -- click here to find out more