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Involving More People

If we're going to make a big splash, our events need to involve as many folks as possible.  Here are some suggestions about how to recruit more people to come to your event, and ways to get folks involved.

Whom should you ask? 

First and foremost, invite all of your friends. Even those people whom you don't think will be interested at first. This helps spread the action to more people by word of mouth--by far the most effective recruitment tool.

Next, try to involve people whom you don't know. After all, global warming affects all of us. You might try contacting:

-Local environmental organizations

-Local historical societies--they might have ideas about leaders to commemorate!

-School teachers, especially environmental science or civics. Try to get students and young people involved!

-Faith groups who've expressed an interest in working on community projects.

-Local farmers or food producers

-Communities who live close to dirty energy sources, who are dealing with pollution in their daily lives.

How should you approach new friends or groups? 

Here are some more general principles about how to invite people and keep working with them after Step It Up:

You must find out what matters to the person or group. Why do they care? Why do they act? What do they think about this issue specifically?

You must show the person or group how your issue or your event relates to their thoughts, values, and interests.

You must find a way to involve the person or group in your issue or project. They should leave with something to do that matches their interests, and respects their schedule.

This is a fellow volunteer you are dealing with. Showing them genuine appreciation is essential. You do this by simply thanking them when they agree to get involved.

Then, repeat, repeat, repeat.
You involve folks once, then involve them further in the planning process. Ultimately you should have a core group of folks who will be competent and confident enough to step up and make your event a huge success.

Ways to Get the Word Out:

Letters to the Editor
If your local paper features a story about global warming or energy independence, try writing a letter to the editor inviting people to participate in Step it Up.

Click here for some posters you can print out.  Place them in local hangouts and be sure to include your contact information!

Closer to the event, find some committed friends to hand out fliers with you at a local event.

Are you a member of any listservs? Send out an announcement to these groups closer to the action. How about adding an automatic signature to your e-mails that plugs your November 3rd event?